Occupational Therapy
At Masina Hospital, our Occupational Therapy Department is dedicated to helping people of all ages overcome various challenges, enabling them to reach their full potential. Our ultimate objective is to assess individual needs and design treatment plans that incorporate activities like exercises, stretching techniques, splinting devices, and assistive technology. By promoting independence in daily activities, we aim to enhance patients' quality of life and overall well-being.
Building #4 OPD (Ground Floor) Heritage Building
Occupational therapy is a client centered health care profession that helps people of all ages, who have Physical, sensory, cognitive and phychosocial problems occurring due to any trauma, disorders or disease at any stage of life from birth to oldage.
The department of Occupational Therapy and Masina Adolescent & Child Therapy Unit (MACT) at Masina Hospital has a multidisciplinary team approach.
We offer a variety of treatment to people with physical and mental disabilities that may impact their participation in performing activities of daily living thus occupational therapy enhances their independence and help them to be a productive part of society.
The services includes:
A detailed occupational therapy assessment to evaluate the unique needs of the individual and provide them with an individual and specialized treatment plan based on their areas of concerns.
● Sensory intergration therapy for children with Autism spectrum disorder and ADHD
● Neuro developmental techinques for children with cerebral palsy, spinal cord injuries, congenital disorder, Global developmental delays.
● Learning disability assessment and therapy.
● Pre-writing and handwriting skill training.
● Gross motor, Fine motor and bilateral coordination skill training
● Cognitive and visual perceprtion skill training.
● Brain gym exercises for children with learning disabilities.
● ADL training.
● Group therapy and social skill training.
● Providing home program , environmental and classroom modifications.
● Fabrication , designing and customization of splint for children with Neuro developmental disorder.
● Neuro cognitive training and retraining for patients with dementia , alzheimer’s, parkison disease, stroke and brain injuries.
● Assertiveness training for patients with substance use disorder and alcohol dependence.
● Psychological uplifment, stress management, cognitive ,visual perception,group therapy and social skill training for adults with mental health disorders.
● Edema and scar management, exercises to prevent contracture and deformity.
● Designing, fabrication,and customization of splintage.
● Pain management using kinesio taping technique.
● ADL training and home modifications
● Work fitness assessment and providing ergonomical and environmental modifications.
Our services are extended to :
Speech Therapy
● Hearing assessment , diagnosis and solutions to address their hearing issues in children , adults and geriatric population.
● Clinical assessment and treatment of childhood communication disorders, articulation and phonological disorders,
● Managing dysphagia and other swallowing disorders resulting from neurological injuries or conditions.
● Voice therapy: Rehabilitating voice disorders caused by neurological conditions such as Parkinson's disease or vocal cord paralysis.
● Aphasia rehabilitation: Helping individuals recover language skills impaired by stroke or other neurological conditions.

Masina Specialists
1. Dr. Zarine Darius Ferzandi
2. Dr. Batul Bohra
3. Dr. Tasneem Tinwala
4. Mrs. Prabha Singh